The 3 Best Ways to Optimize Every Workout


Working out several days a week, week after week, month after month, year after year adds up to quite a bit of time.  So, if you're so invested in your health and fitness level, why not get the most out of it that you can? I agree! So what are the secrets? How do you get the most out of your time and energy?


1. Don't do the same workout twice, ever! No workout should be the exact same as the last.  Unless you're trying to learn or get better at something very specific (in which you'd need to practice and perfect it).  As far as generally getting better and improving fitness level, the more you change things up, and confuse your body, the better.  When you start doing the same things over and over again, your body adapts and learns.  That's why you see so many people that "workout" yet haven't lost any fat or gained any muscle in months or years.  They have hit a plateau.  Get OUT of your usual routine! Change things up, switch up days, switch up order, switch up exercises, switch up speed, I think you get the idea. Get creative, and shock your body as often as you can.


2. Do a proper warm-up. Your body and muscles simply can't take full advantage of exercise if they are not ready to. Warming up also reduces the risk of injury.  This includes anything from rolling out (SMR), to active warm ups like leg swings or track lunges, to light cardio.  Doing this prepares your body and muscles for activity, for full activation and then fatigue. Not stretching allows only tight or commonly used muscle fibers to work, which doesn't get you a full workout and also make those muscles that are tight even tighter (which raises the risk of pain and/or injury).


3. Stretch all muscles worked post workout.  This will do several things including relieve soreness days later, reduce tightness, but most importantly allow for faster and better recovery.  This will create blood flow into those muscles that are tired. Blood delivers essential resources to the muscles for recovery and growth, so we want more of that!


These practices will ensure you are maximizing workouts and getting you the most bang for your buck. Now get out there and get some results!  If you need some help planning your workouts or diet, make sure to check out the diet and exercise programs here.